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Mod placeholders list

These placeholders are provided by other mods. Some are build in directly, while others require an addon.

List of placeholders

Get Off My Lawn ReServed

  • %goml:claim_owners%/%goml:claim_owners [no owners text]% - Returns a list of claim owners.
  • %goml:claim_owners_uuid%/%goml:claim_owners_uuid [no owners text]% - Returns a list of claim owners (as UUIDs).
  • %goml:claim_trusted%/%goml:claim_trusted [no trusted text]% - Returns a list of trusted players.
  • %goml:claim_trusted_uuid%/%goml:claim_trusted_uuid [no trusted text]% - Returns a list of trusted players (as UUIDs).
  • %goml:claim_info%/%goml:claim_info [no claim text]:[can build text]:[can't build text]% - Returns the info for a claim. (variables: ${owners}, ${owners_uuid}, ${trusted}, ${trusted_uuid}, ${anchor})


  • %luckperms:prefix% - Returns the player's prefix.
  • %luckperms:suffix% - Returns the players suffix.
  • %luckperms:meta [meta key]% - Returns a single value for the given meta key.
  • %luckperms:meta_all [meta key]% - Returns all assigned values for the given meta key.
  • %luckperms:prefix_element [element]% - Returns a prefix element using the given "meta stack" element definition. See Prefix Stacking
  • %luckperms:suffix_element [element]% - Returns a suffix element using the given "meta stack" element definition. See Prefix Stacking.
  • %luckperms:context%/%luckperms:context [context key]% - Returns all of the players current contexts. If a key is given as an argument, then only the values corresponding to the given key are returned.
  • %luckperms:groups% - Returns a list of the groups directly inherited by the player.
  • %luckperms:inherited_groups% - Returns a list of all of the groups inherited (directly or indirectly) by the player.
  • %luckperms:primary_group_name% - Returns the name of the player's primary group.
  • %luckperms:has_permission [permission]% - Returns if the player directly has the exact given permission. (not the same as a permission check!)
  • %luckperms:inherits_permission [permission]% - Returns if the player inherits the exact given permission. (not the same as a permission check!)
  • %luckperms:check_permission [permission]% - Returns the result of a permission check for the given permission on the player.
  • %luckperms:in_group [group]% - Returns if the player is directly a member of the given group.
  • %luckperms:inherits_group [group]% - Returns if the player is a direct or indirect member of the given group.
  • %luckperms:on_track [track]% - Returns if the player's "primary group" is on this track. (deprecated - avoid relying on primary groups, use the placeholder below instead!)
  • %luckperms:has_groups_on_track [track]% - Returns if any of the groups the player is directly a member of is on the given track.
  • %luckperms:highest_group_by_weight% - Returns the name of the players highest weighted group, not including groups they indirectly inherit from others.
  • %luckperms:lowest_group_by_weight% - Returns the name of the players lowest weighted group, not including groups they indirectly inherit from others.
  • %luckperms:highest_inherited_group_by_weight% - Returns the name of the players highest weighted group, including groups they indirectly inherit from others.
  • %luckperms:lowest_inherited_group_by_weight% - Returns the name of the players lowest weighted group, including groups they indirectly inherit from others.
  • %luckperms:current_group_on_track [track]% - If the player is currently on the given track, returns the name of the group.
  • %luckperms:next_group_on_track [track]% - If the player is currently is currently on the given track, returns the name of the next group. (the one they would be promoted to next)
  • %luckperms:previous_group_on_track [track]% - If the player is currently is currently on the given track, returns the name of the previous group. (the one they would be demoted to next)
  • %luckperms:first_group_on_tracks [tracks]% - Given a comma separated list of track names, finds the first group inherited by the player on any of the given tracks.
  • %luckperms:last_group_on_tracks [tracks]% - Given a comma separated list of track names, finds the last group inherited by the player on any of the given tracks.
  • %luckperms:expiry_time [permission]% - Gets the duration remaining on a temporary permission assigned directly to the player.
  • %luckperms:inherited_expiry_time [permission]% - Gets the duration remaining on a temporary permission assigned directly to or inherited by the player.
  • %luckperms:group_expiry_time [group name]% - Gets the duration remaining on a temporary group membership assigned directly to the player.
  • %luckperms:inherited_group_expiry_time [group name]% - Gets the duration remaining on a temporary group membership assigned directly to or inherited by the player.


  • %playerex:level% - Shows current player level.
  • %playerex:name_top [position]% - Shows name of the player at the nth place, where n is the position argument.
  • %playerex:level_top [position]% - Shows level of the player at the nth place, where n is the position argument.

Player Pronouns

  • %playerpronouns:pronouns% / %playerpronouns:pronouns [default]% - Displays formatted player's pronouns, or default if unset.
  • %playerpronouns:raw_pronouns% / %playerpronouns:raw_pronouns [default]% - Displays player's pronouns as raw text, or default if unset. This allows text formatting to be embedded into the pronouns.


  • %spark:tps% / %spark:tps duration% - Shows server TPS. duration can be 5s, 10s, 1m, 5m, or 15m. Shows all durations if left out
  • %spark:tickduration% / %spark:tickduration [duration]% - Shows the average tick durations. duration can be 10s or 1m. Shows all durations if left out
  • %spark:cpu_system% / %spark:cpu_system [duration]% - Shows the average CPU usage for the whole system. duration can be 10s, 1m, or 15m. Shows all durations if left out
  • %spark:cpu_process% / %spark:cpu_process [duration]% - Shows the average CPU usage for the server process. duration can be 10s, 1m, or 15m. Shows all durations if left out

Styled Nicknames

  • %styled-nicknames:display_name% - Either nickname or default player name. (skips other formatting mods)


  • %vanish:vanished% - Displays a text (configurable via config) if a player is vanished.
  • %vanish:online% - The amount of players that the player viewing the placeholder can see.