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Default placeholder list

These placeholders are provided by default and are available for every mod using Placeholder API. If placeholder isn't parsed, make sure it is used in correct context, with valid arguments and that you are using the latest version.

Prior to 1.19, arguments were separated with a slash (/) instead of space.

List of placeholders


Vanilla Statistics

A list of [statistic]s can be found on the Minecraft Wiki

A list of [type]s can be found on the Minecraft Wiki

Examples: %player:statistic play_time%, %player:statistic mined diamond_ore%

  • %player:name% - The player's name.
  • %player:name_visual% - The player's name (without hover and click action).
  • %player:name_unformatted% - The player's name (without formatting).
  • %player:displayname% - The player's display name (used on chat).
  • %player:displayname_visual% - The player's display name (without hover and click action).
  • %player:displayname_unformatted% - The player's display name (without formatting).
  • %player:ping% - The player's ping.
  • %player:ping_colored% - The player's ping (colored).
  • %player:pos_x% - The player's x coordinate.
  • %player:pos_y% - The player's y coordinate.
  • %player:pos_z% - The player's z coordinate.
  • %player:facing% (2.5.1+) - The player's horizontal direction.
  • %player:facing_axis% (2.5.1+) - The player's horizontal direction in format of +/-A (A si replaced with axis).
  • %player:horizontal_facing% (2.5.1+) - The player's horizontal facing direction.
  • %player:horizontal_facing_axis% (2.5.1+) - The player's horizontal facing direction in format of +/-A (A si replaced with axis).
  • %player:health% - The player's health.
  • %player:max_health% - The player's max health.
  • %player:hunger% - The player's hunger.
  • %player:saturation% - The player's saturation.
  • %player:inventory_slot [slot number]% - The item in player's inventory at slot number.
  • %player:equipment_slot [name]% - The player's equipment at selected slot. Valid values for [name] are mainhand, offhand, head, chest, legs and feet.
  • %player:playtime%/%player:playtime [formatting]% - The player's playtime.
  • %player:statistic [statistic]%/%player:statistic [type] [statistic]% - The formatted value of player's statistic.
  • %player:statistic_raw [statistic]%/%player:statistic_raw [type] [statistic]% - The value of player's statistic.
  • %player:objective [objective]% - The value of player's scoreboard objective.


Valid Groups

Valid values for [group] are monster, creature, ambient, axolotls, underground_water_creature, water_creature, water_ambient, and misc.

  • %world:time% - The world's time (Format: HH:MM).
  • %world:time_alt% - The world's time (alternative formatting) (Format: HH:MM AM/PM).
  • %world:day% - The world's day.
  • %world:player_count% - The world's player count.
  • %world:mob_count%/%world:mob_count [group]% - Shows amount of spawned mobs.
  • %world:mob_cap%/%world:mob_cap [group]% - Shows maximum amount of mobs that can spawn is player's world.
  • %world:id% - The world's ID.
  • %world:name% - The world's name.


  • %server:tps% - The server's TPS.
  • %server:tps_colored% - The server's TPS (colored).
  • %server:mspt% - The server's MSPT.
  • %server:mspt_colored% - The server's MSPT (colored).
  • %server:time%/%server:time [formatting]% - The server's time.
  • %server:uptime%/%server:uptime [formatting]% (2.1.2+)- The server's uptime.
  • %server:version% - The server's version.
  • %server:name% - The server's name.
  • %server:motd% - The server's motd.
  • %server:used_ram%/%server:used_ram [gb]% - The amount of ram used by server. (If the argument gb is added, it is displayed in gigabytes)
  • %server:max_ram%/%server:max_ram [gb]% - The maximum amount of ram that can be used by server. (If the argument gb is added, it is displayed in gigabytes)
  • %server:online% - The number of online players.
  • %server:max_players% - The maximum player count.
  • %server:brand% (2.1.3+) - Returns server's brand ("fabric"/"quilt"/etc).
  • %server:mod_count% (2.1.3+) - Returns amount of installed mods.
  • %server:mod_version [modid]% - Returns version of the specified mod.
  • %server:mod_name [modid]% - Returns name of the specified mod.
  • %server:mod_description [modid]% - Returns description of the specified mod.
  • %server:objective_name_top [objective] [position]% - Shows name of the player at the positionth place in the scoreboard objective.
  • %server:objective_score_top [objective] [position]% - Shows score of the player at the positionth place in the scoreboard objective.